'I've lost it!' is a short absurdist film exploring the stereotypical beliefs surrounding female virginity. In this project I take the term 'losing you virginity' literally. Through the piece you see the female character 'looking' for her virginity as she seems to have 'lost' it. The comedic effect of this emphasises the ridiculousness of these terms and their focus on women specifically. We live in a society where the woman 'gives' her virginity to the man who 'takes' it from her. This patriarchal and heteronormative way of describing one or more people having intercourse for the first time creates a toxic environment here woman stay in relationships with men that are not healthy, just because they have 'given' their virginity to them.
The female virginity is NOT a sacred object that only the chosen one gets to take. It is a concept.
This piece was shown in Bologna, Italy, as part of a collective exhibition between the students from the MA Public Art courses in both London and Melbourne. (Photograph on the right)
This piece was, also, rejected by a church, holding an exhibition in a nook at its entrance. I believe this is an important part of the message that this film is portraying as it was condemned 'too controversial' for the general public.